Erwin ********
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Erwin ********
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Erwin ********
Is there a ferry from Phuket to Koh Lipe??? That’ll take a full day at least. Better fly to Hat Yai or Trang and take a van to Satun and from there the ferry to Koh Lipe.
Erwin ********
@Phil *****
An employee cannot be fired for being pregnant in Thailand. It’s a specifically mentioned protected class in the labor protection act.

Furthermore, an employment contract that ends in February is most likely not a temporary employment under labor laws, so the employment will have to continue in most cases, and the employer can only fire her after her paid maternity leave at which point she is should receive severance pay in an amount depending on how long she worked for the company.

Go to the labor department and they’ll help her. Generally it’s only 1 threatening call from the labor department for the company to reverse their stance.
Erwin ********
Corporate income tax is for limited liability or public companies. Since your company is not moving to Thailand, it won’t have to pay that tax in Thailand. However, you are an employee of that company and presumably get a salary. That salary is liable to be taxed as personal income if you stay in Thailand over 180 days in a year.
Erwin ********
Taking money out of someone account or a joint account after the other person dies is a crime. You have the obligation to inform the bank of the other person’s passing using the death certificate and the account then gets frozen. After the estate goes through probate in court do you get the documents that allow you to legally access the bank account again.
Erwin ********
You need to apply for type approval, the same as for any new vehicle brought to market in Thailand. That involves all technical drawings, followed standards and norms, crash test results and undergoing local testing procedures. It’s good that money isn’t an issue, because you’d be looking at at least 3M usd plus you’d probably need to have two or three more sacrificial bikes available for the process. Good luck!
Erwin ********
According to the social security act a director should be eligible for social security. However, most social security offices won’t accept it, although if a director owns a small percentage of shares only they may sometimes be enrolled. The only definitive answer will come from the ss office in your area.
Erwin ********
@Jack ***************
yes. Maybe I wasn’t clear. on a visa exempt (30 days entry) or tourist visa (60 days) you get a 30 day extension for tourism purposes and after that another 60 day extension for visiting family. On o non o entry (for 90 days) you can only get the 60 day extension.
Erwin ********
Yes, on visa exempt you can stay close to 4 months if married to a Thai. If you get a tourist visa abroad and enter you can get an extra 30 days. However, if you get a non o visa for being married, you can’t get the extension for 30 days as that’s only for tourism. You will still be able to do the 60day extension though. So your total permitted stay (150 days) will be the same as when entered on a tourist visa, but it will save you one trip to immigration.
Erwin ********
@Rob *******
yes. Customs will assess the real value and tax accordingly, or they’ll slap you with a fine if your stated value is ridiculously low, or worse you say it’s a gift. And no, sending it back often isn’t an option if you disagree, your only choices to forfeit the goods.

Oh, one tip; do not ship multiple types of goods together without clearly specifying each item separately with its price, or they’ll assess the entire shipment for to total cost on the item which has the highest duty.
Erwin ********
No import duty on laptops, only 7% vat on the cost of the goods (the real cost, not some made up low figure) including shipping and insurance. If the CIF value is more than 40k Baht you’ll need to register for import, for which your shipper will ask your passport and some additional fees.

Please beware that if the laptop has a sim slot (or can be connected mobile) you need to make sure the same model is already registered in Thailand, otherwise you’ll have to add a few hundred k to get it certified and registered with the nbtc.