Peter ********
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Peter ********
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Peter ********
@Brandon ***********
If one does travel or change locations within Thailand, and a new TM30 is filed as required at the new location within 24 hours, by the hotel/landlord/owner of the property where one is staying, does that also the reset the 90 day reporting requirement?

I’m aware the 90 day clock/reporting requirement is reset every time one leaves the country, so I’m wondering if the same occurs for intra-country travel where one’s address report obligations are being satisfied by the new TM30, at the new location of stay being submitted?
Peter ********
Contact a reputable international shipping / relocations agent in your home country, with good contacts in Thailand - they will be able to give you accurate information. By the way, shipping rates a currently sky-high, be prepared for a shock once you get a quote.
Peter ********
@Robert *****
Yes, I’m sure that’s part of the equation. I wanted three vision - distance, near (e.g. at arms length distance) and reading and the staff looking after me, or the lens makers, could not get it right. Usually the distance and reading was okay, but the near (arms length) seems to be the problem, which for my job is important. I need to be able to move my vision from outside (distance) to inside (arms length) without changing glasses. I finally got a pair that was workable, but they’re still not perfect. 2 vision progressives are much more straightforward (so the experts tell me). Anyway, getting old sucks!
Peter ********
Careful of Owndays - they are good value for money, but they use their own lenses, which have limitations - that’s why they’re cheap. They tried twice to do a pair of 3 vision progressive lenses for me and failed both times. They might be okay for a 2 vision progressive lens, but I did not ask for that, so I don’t know for sure.

If you can find a good optical dispenser who uses Essilor lenses (look them up:
with a good frame , you’re on the right track. Make sure whoever you see agrees on a refund if the lenses don’t work - progressive lenses require a lot of getting used to and apart from mistakes made in how they are set up, some people can never get used to them. I was lucky and eventually found a skilled optical dispenser who was able to provide accurate instructions to the lens provider, but it can be hit and miss (and it wasn’t cheap!) - good luck.
Peter ********
@Sarah ****************
in that case I would check with the airline (TG?) to confirm. It sounds like you will be treated as a transit passenger and once you check-in in Singapore you will be checked all the way to Frankfurt - I think this means you will need to stay at BKK airport for the 10hr layover, and not be allowed to “cross the border” into Thailand (I’m just guessing here). If this is the case, I would do as others have suggested and buy a lounge access, or even a hotel room at the Novotel (a bit expensive though). Best of luck 😊
Peter ********
Is your baggage being checked all the way through to Frankfurt from Singapore on the same carrier? The answer to this question might clarify what you can, and can’t do during your stopover at BKK.
Peter ********
Maybe it’s not as simple as some other commenters say. I flew to Loei province recently and I was asked for my vaccination certificate on check-in at the airport. Luckily I had it with me in, but I have no idea what would have happened if i could not show them - denied boarding - who knows? Upon arrival in Loei, local provincial staff were again checking vaccination credentials at the airport, however I get the impression that I could have put anything in front of them that looked vaguely official and they would have just smiled and let me in (I have a foreign vaccination certificate).

During the checkin I was quite forthright with my comments about not having been alerted in advance about this requirement and I have since checked the Air Asia website and nothing is mentioned . Oh well, TIT 🤷‍♀️
Peter ********
I’ve completed 2 arrivals into Thailand since Test & Go started last year, first in early December 2021 and the second was last week. I used the same email address both times.

I received my first Thailand Pass QR code the day following my initial application (last year) and with my most recent Thailand Pass (for my arrival back to Thailand last week), I received the QR code approximately 2.5hrs after clicking the submit button, which was remarkably quick.

I would guess that any delay you are experiencing has *nothing* to do with having an email address, instead there is likely some problem with what you have submitted. Make sure you regularly check your Spam folder, just in case and as another commenter has suggested, check your status on the TP website ( )
Peter ********
@Declan **********
Thanks - I contacted Mr Prakan today. They are very prompt with their replies and answered all my questions.
Peter ********
@Declan **********
Is this the Allianz policy available on the Mr Prakan website, underwritten by European insurer?

If it is, it has very good benefits overall (almost like health insurance) at a very reasonable price, so if it’s accepted by the Thailand Pass system as meeting the requirements of the travel insurance covering COVID, it’s perfect!