Zzyzx ******
This is a summary of
Zzyzx ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 19 comments.



Zzyzx *******
OX visa allows you to stay 5 years. You just need 3 million baht in your bank account
Zzyzx *******
I live in a shit show called Los Angeles ,California and I can tell you there are more cases within a 2 mile radius of my house this week than Thailand has had in 11 months. Riddle me this Batman
Zzyzx *******
@Todd ********
There hasn’t been a case of local transmission of Covid in 7
months in Thailand there are zero cases except the ones that come in from quarantine. Why wouldn’t somebody want to get out of a shit location to go to paradise. You should think about it Todd
Zzyzx *******
Jail is jail, doesn't matter where it is. You're right, too late to change.
Zzyzx *******
OA or OX or Tourist visa. I’m leaving 11-27 a lot of hoops to jump through but can get it