Alain ******
This is a summary of
Alain ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 30 comments.



Alain *******
Anyone knows how long we can keep this ed visa ? Some say 1 year, some say 3 years...
Alain *******
@Brandon ***********
but what's the point of taking online classes from home country to get a ThaΓ― visa. That makes no sense...
Alain *******
Don't they make visa run through Cambodia ? I only see visa run through Laos but I saw a youtube video where a guy was saying that he made his visa in Cambodia.
Alain *******
@Stuart ********
do I have to leave by flight ? Do I need to leave more than 1 day ? Can they refuse to let me in while my visa is still active ? πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™