Cody ********
This is a summary of
Cody ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 29 comments.



Cody *********
You should probably think about your yearly income vs that of the shop owner before you begin haggling.

Also if you are like me and prefer to spend your money in local shops rather than lazada, you can still use Lazada to help you understand what something could cost with negotiation.

I do this with taxis and the grab and bolt apps.

Understand what's considered reasonable.

Considered being generous.

Put your money where your heart is.

Cody *********
@Mark ******
some people do this crazy thing called budgeting where they have one pile of money reserved for one thing, and yet have a completely different pile of money that they reserve for something else.šŸ¤·
Cody *********
@Steven ******
my personal experience has been different.

I always book a return flight 5-6 months after my arrival. A round trip ticket, but since I am getting a 30 visa exempt entry the return date is clearly well outside my ability to stay in the country (without a border bounce or other uncheckable factors)

And I have been doing this since 2017 and I have never even been questioned.

I suspect it helps that I speak thai and have impeccable thai style manners, but only at the thai end of the flight.

When I get on my flight here in the states they never even ask me about it either. šŸ¤·
Cody *********
@Bart *************
just curious though, you have a second account where you say things you wouldn't say under your own account?

I really think you should look inside yourself and consider the morality of saying things you wouldn't want associated with your real name.
Cody *********
@Bart *************

Thanks for the explanation.

Believe it or not but there is more than one person in the situation of the OP.

That's why our names are different.

We are different people in a similar situation.


I have not owned a TV since 97 and I have literally never enjoyed playing games.

So the hipster millennial lingo goes right past me.
Cody *********
@Bart *************
also, wtf is a "smurf" account?

I have never heard that term, and I am always as up front an honest on the Internet as I would be if we were speaking across the dinner table.

Do you have a second account on social media for saying things you wouldn't say face to face?

That says a lot more about your character than it does about mine....
Cody *********
@Bart *************
perhaps you aren't fluent in English, but I never said I stay more than 180 days.

As a matter of fact I have never stayed more than 180 days in Thailand.

And I noticed you didn't even try to answer the question I posed.

If I am not a tourist, and I don't work when traveling, and I maintain a house in my home country, and I am not retired, and I am planning to return home to work when my money runs out, if I am not a tourist, then what am I in your philosophy?šŸ¤”
Cody *********
@Vlad ******************
that's some fancy footwork there! And an awful lot of not related information.

But I noticed you didn't answer the question. šŸ¤·

I am following all the rules always.

I even wear a helmet.

But if I am not a "tourist" then what am i?šŸ¤”
Cody *********
@Vlad ******************
maybe you only get 2 weeks off per year, but I can afford to take quite a bit more time off work than that.

So if I maintain a house back home and plan on returning there to work, and I am staying in hotels and hostels as I explore the country while not working what am I, if not a tourist?