A few people have mentioned you have to show the funds came from an overseas account which of course they did. That initial deposit is still visible in the bank book, a copy of which was provided. And that was acceptable for the previous renewals of my retirement visa. So perhaps I can go back to the bank and have them specifically state that these funds came from abroad and have not been withdrawn since... I should add that the individual at the reception has hinted at a 'way' to resolve the situation without having to transfer, and likewise for my child's education visa, so the solution may be just to bypass her and hand the application in to the clerks. It's not really feasible for me to do a visa run as I'm a single parent with a small child.
Laos is one of the most corrupt places on Earth, that money most definitely does not go into infrastructure, it goes into several government officials pockets.
I don't feel that way, Thailand is nice for part, even half of the year but come the European spring, I want to be back in Europe enjoying spring and then the onset of the long summer days. Thailand is also a mess - there are oasis of beauty but between them it's usually an uncontrolled mess - litter, no zoning, no maintenance, poor roads, soi dogs! So again it's nice to get back to order. That said Europe now is a regulatory nightmare, so in the future I may well leave but I still wouldn't spend all year in Thailand.
He's 4, was born in Thailand in fact. His mother is Lao but grandfather is Thai. long-term I suppose he can get a Thai passport but I just need something for six months right now.