Mark Ceenex I'm married so I stick with that, I have a few good investments back in the UK and some decent money which means I shouldn't really have to work much if at all and have a simple life but still not quite enough for me to just splurge 10 grand on a visa but good for you if you can man 👍
Mark Ceenex I bet you stand in line at immigration flashing too, to be fair I used to do that with my old passport that was full of stamps to make me look cool 🤣🤣
Mark Jacobs is good for sorting you a passport out if you are unable to get to Bangkok to do it yourself, I got referred him by someone else, haven't actually done it yet but I hear he offers a good service
I did that at the Malaysian border once, they got me coming back in and I had to go to the Thai side to get that entry stamp then come back to the Malaysian side to check out once I had that entry stamp. it was fairly simple but not sure how it would go at an immigration office In Thailand but I shouldn't image it will be any different there what happened to me at the border. Just explain what happened thats all you can do