Jon ********
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Jon ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 38 comments.


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Jon ********
@Rob *********
I've only seen 2 shops on the whole island and never seen smokers out, there all drinkers that I know. Strange to judge an entire island and the life here on a herbπŸ˜…
Jon ********
Cat and dog lovers abound on Koh Lanta. There's a big animal welfare charity here too. Big island with Swedish expats and good restaurants bars and people. It's my favourite place in Thailand.
Jon ********
@James ********
yes thanks my wife is a good woman.. Non 0 visa stops immediately.. Change to Non B takes a few days and I get fined 500 for every day πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Jon ********
@Brian ******
that's it.. Divide yourselves so they can rule ffs
Jon ********
How did you even leave without vaccination...? Uh oh