Anonymous participant 994 no, no work visa. I changed phones 2 years ago and did paper updates at my branches at that time including Bangkok bank taking my photo so I could transfer higher amounts, not sure if that had anything to do with it. I won't be back in Thailand for 2 months so I hope they won't shut me down until then.
Anonymous participant 994 I have both a Kasokorn and Bangkok Bank accounts, both opened 10 plus years ago and I still use both accounts. I have received nothing from either banks and I use the apps almost everyday.
thanks, I didn't know that because I haven't received this email yet. I have both a Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn Account. Both were openened 10 years + ago.
I was watching that thread too because if I have to fill out that form how can I do it as I won't be back in Thailand for some months. How long do they give you to do it? Can it be done online? Will they freeze my account etc??
I can only tell you what I had to do. I have the Kasikorn Account too. When I bought the new phone a message came up saying "you must go to your nearest branch to set up the app" so I did. This was only last year. Same with Bangkok Bank, I had to go to a branch.
The reason the app is better is because you can only have it on one device at a time. Everytime I buy a new mobile phone I must go in person with my passport to my bank to put and verify it on the new phone. Some banks like Krung Thai bank have stopped Web login altogether. One thing for sure, I would put any account in my own name and if I have to pay an agent to do it I would. Good luck.