Exactly my point! You believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want. I note you still haven't produced any reliable link from an official Thai source. Go get a few more tattoos, it seems your self-esteem is suffering
You aggressively attacked me. I'm trying to provide reliable sources and you turn on me because I respectfully requested people to provide a link to an official source which cites 90 days. I have provided the Thai Traffic Law relating to IDPs and also a comprehensive insurance policy for a motor vehicle in Thailand, which conveniently doesn't mention IDP at all (even though the experts are claiming not having an IDP will make your insurance null and void - which I know for a fact is absolute crap). People in these forums are often bald-headed, heavily tattooed, bad tempered foreigners. I just have to laugh at them
You are totally free to believe whatever you want, but I choose to believe whatever is factual. This 90-days nonsense gets thrown around in these groups all the time. Here's a policy for Thai insurance through AXA - one of the biggest. This policy mentions NOTHING about IDPs. So who do I choose to believe. A properly referenced reliable source or Gregor Huettner who cannot back up anything he is saying. I know who I'll go with 👍👍👍