Jay ******
This is a summary of
Jay ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 20 comments.



Jay *******
@Lynnette ******
Founding member and lead singer Eric Burdon who went onto form the band WAR consisting of North and South Americans which went onto release the truly brilliant Why Can't We Be Friends album and Low Rider single (amongst many others).
Jay *******
Thanks again for all the information. Currently I and my Thai lady live in the UK and have been together for over twenty years. We visit quite frequently and I opened a Thai bank account just under ten years ago but, due to work and other commitments I haven't had chance to visit Thailand for the past few years. We are now here for three months or so (I'm since retired, technically although still keep a toe in the workplace waters). A couple of months ago I transferred a million baht into her Thai account as I had lost track of my online protocols in respect of my own Thai account. We went to the bank last week (same bank) to transfer that million into my account. The cashier informed me my account had "lapsed" through lack of use (relatively low funds had disappeared into the aether) and that I could no longer access it. Also told us I cannot open a new account without a long-term visa and residence certificate. So now I have a million stuck in my lady's account although we could just take the cash out, I suppose. I could transfer another million from the UK into a new account (if I had a new account). Infuriating to know that an agent could do it for me, if I were next to penniless, yet I cannot seem to do it although I'm not. Bureaucracy drives me insane, as "let's take something simple and make it difficult" seems to be the maxim of bureaucrats and snivel-servants.
Jay *******
@Kenny *****************
Thank you very much for taking the time to provide such a detailed response. Forgive me, if I appear obtuse, but are the above costs inclusive of average agency fees or are they predicated on a do-it-yourself basis? Also, have I read it correctly in that each following year currently stands at around an ongoing 15k payment per annum? Thanks again.
Jay *******
@Kenny *****************
What does it cost though (per annum) to use an agency (on average)? They've got to make a living but at what cost to the client?
Jay *******
@Bart *************
I just paraphrased the news article I read. If the journalist got it wrong, how am I to know? But I'm guessing there's more fact to his/her report than some Delboy wannabee (
@David ******
) spouting his "informed" opinion on Facebook, is all.
Jay *******
@Luit ****************
Everybody's a Delboy Trotter or Arthur Daly (English TV characters).
Jay *******
@David ******
I read a news article last week that some airlines are refusing to accept these fake flight reservation tickets. Just saying. Better to go the whole hog and book a genuine ticket to Kuala Lumpur (as little as $40 or thereabouts) which I understand you can 1) cancel within 24 hours or 2) bin the ticket and swallow the loss or 3) use it and take a couple of days sightseeing in KL.
Jay *******
@Peter ********
Copied the title and found it via my computer (I'm a smartphone Luddite). Thank you.
Jay *******
@Chris ******
@Peter ********
I'll very likely be extending 30 days towards the end of my 60 exempt period so feel I should probably get a TM30 in place, for peace of mind.
Jay *******
Why doesn't everyone just tell Mr Williams what he wants to hear? "We all wish we were you, Dave. Always wanted to be supercilious pompous pricks".