Филипп **********
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Филипп **********
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Филипп **********
@Alistair *********
u dont seem to grasp the fact that u doing something wrong? u share on visa platform that u currently breaking the rules.. Then almost complain that u will now actually be inconvenienced by having to abide the the very rules u agreed to follow.. And on top of it u say well others are doing it... 🙄Ok....its a visa advice platform not a place to learn how to break rules.. U want advice on that head down to nearest bar..
Филипп **********
@Alistair *********
u wrote in visa group saying "I'm on ed visa but now i will have to actually study.. 🙄.. But i can't be bothered as I'm actually working in direct contradiction to ed visa rules.. Did i leave anything out? 🤷‍♂️Good going
Филипп **********
@Alistair *********
how do u think immigration gets tips? (it might come as a surprise to u but probably half of arrests and visa cancelations comes from tip off from fellow foreigners) some places more then others Pattaya is top there is literally a avalanche of detailed tip offs flooding immigration..
Филипп **********
So what's the problem? Ed visa =so go stydy 🙄
Филипп **********
U can only own above ground structure...that u do .. U dont own the land... So answer is pretty clear i think.. Report as normal
Филипп **********
Remove the plastic from the box or take out the phone from box (then no import tax to pay) any original packaging that has been opened...... No tax(providing number of of items does not go over allowed limit which differ with countries and territories. But in case of 1 no issues at all