Annie ***********
This is a summary of
Annie ***********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 9 questions and added 31 comments.



Annie ************
Tod is amazing at what he does . It wouldn't be the same without him .
Annie ************
Thank you Tod for your time and knowledge. I have always found this group to know the correct answers to all our questions time and time again 👍
Annie ************
@Irene ***************
thanks Irene 😊 . I think we'll do what everyone suggests because we don't get any mail except one time a year . Everything else is online .👍
Annie ************
@Brandon ***********
thanks for that . You're probably right just wanted to confirm what I was thinking 😊
Annie ************
Oh really ? That's great news . Thank you 😊
Annie ************
@Steven **************
just an update . Called DDC and no one spoke English 😂 so hot a Thai friend to ask for me and they said they cannot add foreign vaccination to my documents but can use proof of booster and will be accepted if asked .
Annie ************
@Steven **************
Yes you're right . Wasn't sure if I could be understood but if they speak English I'll give it a go 😊