Puma *********
This is a summary of
Puma *********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 19 comments.



Puma **********
I can’t judge you without knowing your situation. In the US, if you’re 65 and up, you’re automatically on Medicare system and everything will be paid for. In order to receive Social Security payments (at age 62) and be qualified for Medicare (at age 65), people have to work at least 10-year paid into the system.
Puma **********
Great! It saves a lot time and effort😊
Puma **********
@John ********
too much temptation unlike living in the US. As a Thai wife married to American man, no way I’ll move back living in Thailand—we might not last 29 years as we do now😂
Puma **********
True! That’s why I won’t show the other passport unless they ask for it.

My last visit in 2020, Thai Immigration asked for both passports on my arrival and departure. They didn’t ask me any questions at all.

I personally think they like to have Thais with dual citizenship keep coming back, because it boosts the business for Thailand. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Puma **********
@George ************
sometimes you have to show two passports especially if you have two different last name. My boarding pass is always on American last name so it’s a contradiction there, but most people can understand and easily accept it. I never register for marriage in Thailand (didn’t want to go through several more processes when purchasing property or doing other legal documents that requires my foreign spouse to sign too.
Puma **********
Additional info:

You can also visit other countries while in Thailand with your US passport for departure and Thai passport when coming back to Thailand. I did it once when I visited Italy. Leaving Suvarnnaphumi with my US passport to Abu Dhabi transit to Rome.

You use US passport to visit other countries in Europe (because it has a bargaining power) without having to get a visa.
Puma **********
Welcome to dual citizenship. I❤️this privilege. I’ve been using two passports since 2014. It’s super easy though I have different last names—one is an American and another is Thai.

When I leave the US, I use my US passport all the way until I enter Suvarnaphumi. I show my Thai passport so I can stay as long as I want (at one time, I stayed for 7 months.)

When I leave Thailand, I show both passports at the ticket counter because Thais need visa to enter the US.

However, to complete Thailand trip, I have to scan my Thai passport to leave Thailand.

As soon as I get on the plane, I put my Thai passport away and go on with my US passport all the way.