Anonymous participant 986 if you worked remote and did not have any Thai clients that's no issue. I had the same situation and just got my visa last week in Taipei.
The only thing they had further questions was regarding clients.
They wanted to see 3 months of I invoices my LTD company (I'm the owner) issued to clients, the payment of said clients to my companies account and the salary I pay myself on the company account as well as on my private account
I just got mine yesterday in Taipei! Very straight forward. Initially I planned to go here next month, but then I learned that they will change to evisa.
I assume though that the same people will work on the online applications and I would simply chance it to walk in with all the documents and try to hand it in. They all seem very helpful if you approach them politely.
I just got my DTV (remote work) in Taipei today. My passport expires in 28. Visa valid till 29. Hand written note on visa that it has to be transferred to the new passport once expired. Seems straight forward