Tony ********
This is a summary of
Tony ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 6 questions and added 232 comments.



Tony *********
@Todd ********
- you are a boring idiot who is clearly a nasty piece of work.

It's a shame Thailand allows morons like you into the country and I'm sure if Immigration knew what you are like you would be on the first plane back to where you came from the permanently banned. Thailand and the Thai people deserve better than creatures like you!
Tony *********
@Billy *****
- totally.

I am so sick of these loser expats I am at a point of not bothering to post anymore. Makes me wonder what they do each day clearly bored otherwise why would they bother with their pointless nasty rhetoric?

I expect they are the type in the bars every day pissing it up. That loser above clearly must always have the last word and quite frankly everything he's said is utter bull πŸ’©

We live in a very sad world these days. Thankfully most Thai people are kind and friendly unlike a lot of the arse holes on these expat sights πŸ™„
Tony *********
@Todd ********
- hilarious...clearly you can't read you keep claiming things I never said :


I never mentioned 800k but you did


Everyone knows you have to retain 400k unless married.


I said 1.5 - 2 % is better than nothing but somehow in your confused state of mind you keep mentioning 1%. You obviously like creating drama when there is none you must be so bored with your life.

Maybe you should stay off the pop for a while and read what people actually say and try not to twist things and make up quotes that were never there πŸ˜‚
Tony *********
@Todd ********
- yeah been told by 2 different offices so I think it's you giving πŸ’© advice.

As for the 1.5 % to 2% what exactly don't you understand about it being better than nothing?
Tony *********
@Todd ********
- I never said I get 2.5% I said it's the base rate. I think it's 1.5 to 2% I can't remember.

Either way it's some interest better than nothing on a large amount. You are wrong about the savings accounts it's actually encouraged by Immigration but it needs to have instant access.
Tony *********
@Bob ********
- not get interest on the savings accounts at most banks. It's relative to the base rate currently 2.5 %
Tony *********
Thanks for update.

I have also now had my account tagged. When I wrote to them I asked for all options to be tagged but they haven't specifically addressed that in their reply so my thoughts are that once your account is tagged I don't think it matters what option you choose from the list but common sense tells me to use 'Personal Expenses' because that's most apt given that it's for day to day living expenses.

I just hope it works when I do my next transfer.

I will continue to use Wise for now but will be asking my local office about this situation because Revolut are offering better returns now. Once I have clarification from my local office I will know if any other options are possible.

I do think Wise should have sent out a generic email about these changes prior to making them πŸ™„
Tony *********
@Alan ******
- if I was you I would go to Immigration as soon as possible and pick up the information sheet and ask all your questions there such as what are my options if the money doesn't mature in time and / or is a few days late. Each office seems to do their own thing and they don't always follow their own rules often none of it makes sense to us. Get it directly from the horses mouth and they will also probably appreciate you going in and asking them. If you don't know you must dress formally and be extremely polite and courteous. Naturally take someone with you who speaks Thai and can help you.

It will also help you familiarise yourself with the office, their procedures and the way the office is set out and where to go = less panic on the day! You will also get a feel about what they are like some people report a nice experience whilst others don't but that may also be down to the type of person reporting but you will get a vibe. At my local office I found them very helpful.

If nothing else it will put your mind at rest and you can focus on what you need to do. I know it's worrying I had exactly your situation last December 5th which is when mine will expire so going again around the same time.

Good luck πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ€ πŸ™πŸΌ
Tony *********
Visit your local office and get the information sheet telling you what documents they want. You always have to have a letter from the bank dated on the actual day of application and everything else on the list.

Don't worry too much I had to go one day after mine expired because it expired on a Sunday. December 3rd is a Tuesday so you could go on the Monday.

Good luck πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€πŸ€žπŸΌ