Dror ********
This is a summary of
Dror ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 79 comments.



Dror *********
No one cares/knows if you do that as long as you keep it to yourself. Ignore the fear mongering comments
Dror *********
All the people here that will tell you that you can't are fear mongerers so don't listen to them
Dror *********
@Scott ********
90,000 is no where near 5,000$ idont spend all 90,000 out of it 20-25 go to saving
Dror *********
@Scott ********
because saying 5k is standard amount is untrue
Dror *********
@Scott ********
i'm happy and enjoy my life thank you lol. but yea go ahead to decide for me if i do or not. what a pathetic loser you are sincerely.
Dror *********
@Scott ********
you can tear apart what ? lol? ruin my job ? make me get fired? unclear. but if is what you meant go ahead and try doing it im letting you. you are really pathetic and the only jealous person here is you :(
Dror *********
@Scott ********
i may be an idiot but i live comfertably + saving every month from an income of 90K THB monthly. toodles!
Dror *********
@Scott ********
lol if you need 5k $ just to live you only alone i pity you
Dror *********
VUMI - 93,500,000 baht coverage. 0$ deductable, 2,600 bht per month.
Dror *********
i have saving account with debit and can use the app.