unfortunately the requirements for the TR in the UK are ridiculous. He was previously working in Thailand and built a house here. No longer working and currently visiting UK but doesn't have fixed abode, bank account etc. TR was his initial plan A but not viable without a lot of messing around.
That's what he thought but was told otherwise by two different Immigration offices. Maybe the switch from one qualification (marriage to 50+ ??) to another created the problem. It was this week.
Personally I'd stick with the amnesty and use the 60 day extension when needed. You can only get one 60 day extension per visa (sticker) and should they open the borders with little notice of the amnesty being rescinded but have stringent rules for anybody entering Thailand (is insurance , health certificates , etc) you may be stuck for time. If they make an announcement that amnesty is due to end early , you could get the 60 days extension at your local IO that day if required (as long as you have necessary paperwork)