not this. Many people have said they have been outright refused elite visas after having an one year education / muay Thai visa in the past. I want to know if anyone has been refused getting an elite visa after having a DTV visa in the same way.
Thanks to those who helped and offered suggestions. I think the one person who replied asking why get a test should be kicked and banned from here, as that is not what this group is for. It's for visa advice and I did not ask whether I should test. There are plenty of other groups for COVID debate and I do not care what you think or will be fueling your desire to start a arguement. I have done what I believe is right, and I have read in other Thai forums and groups many unvaccinated people are now travelling, which I personally find slightly concerning. I think we can all agree it's a nasty disease that can kill.
Thank you for very helpful reply. I am in Bangkok. Do you have a link to the site? I found a booking site, but it is showing no appointments left for tomorrow.
I have been wearing a mask like locals, except when eating and drinking and when far away from people when outside., as the heat and humidity here can get a bit much for someone not used to it.
Because out in the open people are less likely to catch it. When you are stuck inside a small metal tube with recycled air for 14 hours with possible elderly and venerable people that you could infect, that is not a good idea. Plus my Travel Insurance covers this, so I just have to pay for food that my girlfriend I am staying with can go out and buy from 7-11 cheaply.