If you have trouble getting a bank account go to Bangkok bank and buy life insurance which is cheaper than the fee to open an account and then get the bank account free for both your wife and yourself. You will need to keep the account at 800k for three months. If your wife is 50 you will need to do the same for her.
We came here from Hainan, managed to get it all done with only one extention. No border run needed. You can pm me. They will take into consideration your Chinese residence as being an Asian citizen and be more understanding.
if you open in Canada and get the visa I'm not sure what is involved. We did our own paperwork here after we arrived in September and had no problem. Did it all within 45 days ... Never even had to do a border run.
The hardest was the bank account but then we had the tip to buy life insurance from Bangkok bank and then they will open an account for free.
You can buy travelers insurance probably so much cheaper than local insurance.... How long are you staying also matters as after you are here 6 months you lose your Canadian medical. Many sell plans that include Canada that covers for emergency when you go home to visit or back until your Canadian plan kicks in again.
I would be interested to know if wrlife is a real company as I called the two phone numbers listed and both are non existing numbers, I also went to their website and it was not a owned website just parked by GoDaddy and I could buy it of very cheap price. No company parks a business they would own the domain