In developing nations like Thailand, Mexico, Ecuador et al.... you have 2 avenues that will allow you to get what you want. One avenue is following all the rules and doing exactly as you are told. The second avenue is paying a facilitator that pays all the officials up the chain directly and then in turn they give you want.
In the USA they are called lobbyists. Here in Mexico they are called corrupt people in charge of bureaucracy. Take your pick.
Fundamental... why? It's as if Thailand is trying harder to keep us out. All very strange....just the past 6 years it so. Ridiculous and stupid information...adding zero value to anyone's stay there. Covid reg. are nuts too... But...I'm missing my Thai food 😜😜😜😎
airfares. 1 year insurance for OA visa. Visa application. 10 nights goodness knows how much the stupid new required 3 million baht insurance will cost me. I just want to enjoy Life FFS!😎🤣🤣
The task list for an OA looks long... It can be overwhelming. I started tackling that list last week... 3 tasks checked off.. and now that list is not as daunting.