David ********
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David ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 19 comments.


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David ********
I went on Tuesday and just walk in, at 9am there were around 15 persons already in line
David ********
I am used to paying taxes, so it is just a matter of having a tax strategy for Thailand , living half time in another country is not appealing to me
David ********
Depends, one package includes a girl and the other not, do your math 🤭
David ********
I will apply for the same in October in Taipei, planning to get teeth whitening appointments
David ********
An appointment letter was enough evidence? Or you needed some extra documents from the dental clinic?
David ********
Did you have 500k ending balance in each of the 6 months bank statements?
David ********
You have 5 years to enter after you get the visa