Sarah ***************
This is a summary of
Sarah ***************
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 91 comments.



Sarah ****************
I don't think so. You get an extension of stay for 12 months but you have to report every 90 days I think
Sarah ****************
@Glen ********
that you are taking it personally for no reason. You offered valid advice as did Robert. There was no need for the backlash you then gave.
Sarah ****************
Glen Shkolar ever notice if you hit reply it automatically tags ... Just saying
Sarah ****************
@Glen ********
he never assumed this. He made a point that culture here and in Western countries is different. The British offices don't have a dress code but you use common sense to dress accordingly but back home they are selling visas and dress code isn't really something we look at. In SEA it is. It's the different religious beliefs.
@Robert ******
never said anything aimed at you he stated a fact. Maybe you need to get off your high horse. This group is to help people not jump down people's necks.
Sarah ****************
No this is not legal. Tourist visa forbid employment. You need to have a work permit on a non b visa
Sarah ****************
It's extended from your last day. You can go before it expires.
Sarah ****************
They could still say it's working without a permit
Sarah ****************
Are you paid in Thailand or oversees? Also on your ED visa did you go to classes or just have the visa?
Sarah ****************
Its classed as working which you need a permit for.