if its anything like most countries you can't even get them to stamp less !!! I've tried and failed in South Africa where its a RPITA due to them not stopping the clock when you leave to adjoining countries.
depends on your nationality. it pops right up in front of them.....well its at the right on some systems.....depending on your passport nationality. if your from UK....not asked, not needed. USA yes, needed. etc etc etc.
just checked USA as the thai embassy says yes....its true.....i would have never guessed....
Visitors who are visa exempt but do not hold return/onward tickets could be refused entry.
Visa exempt nationals must have passports and passport replacing documents with at least half an unused visa page for entry/departure endorsements by the Thai Immigration Service.
Normal Importance
Additional Information
Visitors older than 12 years must have sufficient funds to cover their stay (at least THB 20,000.- per person or THB 40,000.- per family). Proof of funds includes Letters of Credit, vouchers, Miscellaneous Charges Orders (MCO) or credit cards accepted in Thailand.
A tourist is not a tourist. Your nationality has a huge impact on rules. Two passports, one cannot enter IRAN one can.....same in Nigera one is 270 visa other is free. Same Europe one needs an ETA the other doesn't. different nationalities.
i had this discussion the other day and could put a poll on my groups but to be honest i know I'm right. I don't need to prove it. I've just come back myself. Yes they (airline) asked. I knew the rules so said i didn't and that was it. I didn't have a print out this time as my printer in in a storage unit. I did however have it bookmarked on my phone along with a ticket to KL just incase they were being VERY awkward but to get that far i'd be getting the region manager on the phone.