Dave ********
This is a summary of
Dave ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 25 comments.



Dave *********
Congratulations❗must be good timing of your visit to immigration
Dave *********
Dave *********
All the old retirees on retirement visas and other old bored individuals love to vent here ... nothing better to do ... And some old farts get enjoyment from those living constructive lives having a hard time at immigration... most of these beyond repair retirement visa holders have done sweet nothing in their lives to be proud of... pretty sad ... why not just shut up if not answering questions and only venting
Dave *********
Only some areas are doing this ... have a look on Richard Barrow he got 3 out of 4 teachers a non B without leaving country ... but many immigration offices not doing ... there is even a letter from minister of education asking immigration to process without leaving but unless relevant minister agrees most offices not complying ... I think they will
Dave *********
@Tod ********
possibly but it seems like if someone is turned down and they don’t have a criminal record or stamps in their passport and in the unlikely case turned down, they could move to Phuket and get extensions?
Dave *********
@Todd ********
you are the cynic.... as discuused above ... a letter from embassy ... with payment of 1900 baht...likely results in stamp saying "under consideartion" come back on date... but the payment covers 30 day extension.... oi they had no intention of extending they would simply send you away... as they have done before.... but NOW ...it has changed... some still get turned away... others get stamp, with verbal assurance of 30 day extension.... they have taken the money... do you really think they will take the money only to return it? only the die hard retirees think they know best...