Should I request a refund for my visa extension fee due to the recent amnesty in Thailand?

Sep 28, 2020
4 years ago
Jesse *********
Update: just finished at Udon Immigration this morning, place was super dead quiet, totally different from a few weeks ago. The smoking hot policewoman was sitting out front fielding visitors, and took my passport and ran inside and came back with my 26 Oct stamp in just a few minutes, altho I was kinda hoping she'd detain me. /end

Soo... now that the Thai government did about-face and extended amnesty until 31 October, should I return to the Immigration Office and request a refund on my 1900 baht that hasn't been processed yet (no stamp in my passport yet) + 100 baht stolen from me by the police officer? I'm somewhat joking here but I'm sure there are thousands of people who already "paid" for the 30 days extension using a Embassy letter and now there is a free amnesty so it is once again a total mess of clarity in your passport history, I'm wondering if they will refuse to stamp mine tomorrow which is the day I was supposed to "receive" my 30 day stamp... 🥴😳
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The original poster shares their experience at Udon Immigration, noting a quiet atmosphere compared to previous visits. They mention the Thai government's recent amnesty extension to October 31 and humorously question whether they can get a refund for their unprocessed 1900 baht visa extension, alongside a claim of having 100 baht taken by an officer. The comments feature diverse opinions discussing the fairness of paying for extensions, the clarity around the new amnesty, and the overall experience at Thai immigration during the ongoing pandemic.
Steve **********
Dont push it !

Mood one day not same as next.
Kamilya ***************
Gord ********
@Kamilya **************
sure hope they do that for bangkok
Michael *********
Folks, I left THU 24 SEP, and BKK was the most beautiful I have ever seen.

Let me go out on a limb and say that this is the best time for plane travel.

I guarantee that everyone will enjoy every second of their trip.

Here are my suggestions for you lucky ones still stranded in LoS:

Follow the news but pay the intimidating warnings no mind.

On the last day of the deadline, all of you flood all the IOs.

What can Thai authorities do to all of you ... when there is safety in numbers?

All the media will be there.

Thus, we're guaranteed to have a most beautiful scene for a PR disaster.

Just play dumb and say, We still have no idea what to do ... it was all so confusing ... we thought most farang would have finished their visa applications by the last day of amnesty (
5555, this makes good sense too) ... etc.
CB ******
What is the next step for those with stamp until oct 26 need to go again in moang thong thani by oct 3 pls.advice
Jesse *********
Update: just finished at Udon Immigration this morning, place was super dead quiet, totally different from a few weeks ago. The smoking hot policewoman was sitting out front fielding visitors, and took my passport and ran inside and came back with my 26 Oct stamp in just a few minutes, altho I was kinda hoping she'd detain me. /end
Kamilya ***************
@Jesse ********
did you closed under consideration stamp?
Jesse *********
@Kamilya **************
it is a new stamp underneath it that gives permission to stay until 26 Oct
Paul ************
They waited until after the 26th to get as many 1900 payments as possible...I guess the stamp is pointless now?
Todd *********
@Paul ***********
Lol. Holy. You really miss the entire point. You think a few 1900 baht extensions was of value? 😂😂😂
Michael *********
I had a feeling this was going to happen, but I got out b/c I had a safe country to return to, in addition to The Donald's Mad House.
Bobby ********
@Paul ***********
. A hard stamp is better than nothing! What's 1900 baht?
Todd *********
reading between the lines, that 1900 baht will now get people to Nov 30. And probability of 1900 baht 60 day extensions after that. It’s definitely money 💰 well spent
Jon **********
100 THB “stolen” or was it perhaps your fault for not presenting the correct amount in the first place? The immigration office isn’t a bank or a shop, get over it!
Michael *********
Songkhla IO OPERATES ON THE TABLE, not under.
Michael *********
Being short-changed in IO is an exception, not the norm (at least not yet).
Robert ********
Amnesty for the rest of 2020.
Jesse *********
In the midst of a global pandemic with millions of people dying I just don't get why some of you are angry at me for wanting my 100 baht refunded to me... it was stolen! 🤷🏻‍♂️
Steve **********
@Jesse ********
It's a matter of priorities. Noone steals in Thailand. You show appreciation.or they just accept it.
Michael *********

If I, an ethnic Chink, can read between the lines and react ... ROFLMAO .... your comment will definitely embarrass your folks (unkissed by the sun).

Who let you out of Merrrka anyway, Baaabbayyyy?
Michael *********
@Jesse ********
You were short-changed (the Indian or North African way, take your pick).

You have every right to have that 100 Baht placed nicely into you outstretched palm, with the obligatory "Khob Khun Khub" said to you.

But how will you prove that you were never given change? Surely IO will never self-incriminate and allow a peek at their CCTV footage.
Bobby ********
@Jesse ********
. I have to smile! People have been commenting for weeks about how they're helping support the Thai economy by staying longer in the country, and now we're getting complaints about 100 baht! Are you serious or having a joke?
James ******
Could be worse, you could have left Thailand! An extra month even for 1900b is a bargain
Todd *********
exactly. Sure a lot less than a flight... and a lot more fun
Chris *********
Can you spare a thought for those of us unlucky ones who paid for a $1mil baht elite visa 20 years ???? We’re even more screwed than you
Todd *********
@Chris ********
almost 4200 baht per month. Every month. And they give up a million baht. Which could easily be paying 50k baht in annual interest. Which more than covers the annual cost of any other form of visa. AND the million remains yours. TVE just makes no economic sense whatsoever
Michael *********
I remember seeing a sign in the Songkhla IO stating that no refund will be given, even if an application is rejected.

Undaunted, on my next visit there, I asked a lady officer if I could get back my 1,900 Baht, used for the first extension (expiry date: 29 APR) of my visa-exempt entry.

Even my visa-exempt stamp (expiry date: 30 MAR 2020) became valid after the first free visa-extension was announced and went into effect retroactively on 26 MAR 2020.

Nonetheless, she said No. I simply left it at that and left.
Michael *********
Ty Tran

I remember all that from a previous comment you had left under another post. And more!

Chonburi IO

At least two trips

Roughly 5,300 Baht spent in all

Your HOLY SHIT reaction, brought on by their "rejecting" (their favorite action) your helpful offering of proof of residence for the entire duration of your "under consideration" period. (IN SHORT, NO NEED TO SHOW).

It is "deuuh"s like this and other similar ones that endear Thais to me.

I remind myself constantly that I am fortunate to have been conditioned in a linear-thinking fashion in the US while growing up there ... but as a fellow Asian I show much sympathy for them as well as empathize with them.

I can only say that of all the SE Asian countries I have visited thus far, Thailand remains my favorite; moreover, Thais will always have a place in my heart.
Kamilya ***************
CB ******
Pls.confirm.if really oct 3 need to go again immigraton even with oct 26 stamp
Kamilya ***************
@CB *****
nobody know yet
Michael *********
@SJ *****
By now, you all who are still stranded in Thailand should have learned to flip-flop the way the government has been doing.

Everyone follows the news, but no one should believe the intimidating warnings.

Simply flood IOs on the day of deadline. What can they do to all of you when there is safety in numbers?

The United Farang Union will be a formidable force.
SJ ******
Me too! 😳 🤣
SJ ******
“Stranded foreigners who wish to stay in Thailand after October 31 must submit an application to an Immigration office by October 3“

That’s in a few days!? 🤷‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Kamilya ***************
@SJ *****
I hope this is just a mistake, and I meant 31 😂
James **************
I'd just be thankfull that you got 6 months for 1900. Unlike many who had
for a nonb.....
Neil ************
Some 30, 40 , 50 - how high do you want to go?
Phil ********
Nothing like a little corrupti
Paul ********
We spent 4800 baht on boat from Phangan to Samui, motorbike, 2 nights stay, food & drink then another 3800 baht for 2 thirty day extension. Actually only got 15 days as we’re officially “under consideration” so we’ve got to go back there on the 11th Oct to get stamped.

All this because immigration told us no more amnesty and fines or jail time for overstayers. We didn’t believe that so we waited until the last day to extend but wish we hadn’t bothered now.

It was still cheaper than paying the 20,000 baht the immigration officer I spoke to here asked me for, saying it would be “a little secret’

What are they gonna come up with for the end of October’s one? 🤣
SJ ******
Haha thanks, I’ll take any luck I can get! Yeah- I think it’d be wise to go in anyway. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
SJ ******
Do we still need to go in to get the second 15 days stamped if the amnesty is extended? 🤷‍♀️
Paul ********
@SJ *****
I would get it confirmed because I’m no expert but I think yes we do. There are so many things that can go wrong with visas here, the Russian girl in front of us in the queue was told she must go to the main immigration office as a different division had issued her original stamp but she left having clearly not understood what she was told.

We had previously been on Ed visas and were also going to be refused until we found an old email that said we didn’t have to close that visa because the amnesty had already begun when it ended.

They are so official about small details like that and I do think that if you don’t go and get that stamp then technically you can be considered as an overstayer....

Good luck 🤣
Angelik *******
Yes, not only you. By the way, 11th October is Sunday :) I also got that date.
Paul ********
@Angelik ******
I’m fairly sure you can go in a few days before and do it...
Dave *********
Gord ********
I have under concideration stamp and need to go back on Oct 7th?? I guess I'll find out when I call there once its official
Kamilya ***************
@Gord *******
un/con stamp should be closed anyway
Gord ********
@Kamilya **************
they said to come back oct 7
Steven **************
Got my non b today in Nakhon Phanom
Oliver ********
Immigration should say people who want to extend another 30 days can consider their extension approved but can go to immigration to get the actual stamp and pay anytime during this month but with a price that increases on a sliding scale so there is an incentive for everyone not to wait until the last minute and cause the same problems again.
Ivan ************
People who went early were told come back later in September. Then people were not given extensions but rather "under consideration" stamps and told to come back as late as the 25th. Many embassies were holding out on the letters until the last minute too. You can't pin this on individual people waiting until the last minute.
Kamilya ***************
Can someone translate plz?
Nina *****
@Kamilya **************
Google translate

ROYAL THAI POLICE IMMIGRATION BUREAU can COVID-19 MTA Information Center allows foreigners remaining in Thailand Submit a special request to stay in the Kingdom at the Immigration Office by October 31, 2010, Immigration Office 0 COVID Information Center -19 3 Hotline 1111 (Information as of 28 September 2020
Oliver ********
No. You paid for the peace of mind and you got it.
Andy ********
Time to go home or be deported .90 days you had .only yourselves to blame.No sympathy
Dominic ****
Hopefully it'll only be for non imm holders. Tourists who didn't bother to do anything during the previous amnesty should be given the choice of paying 500 baht per day to stay, or leaving.
Ivan ************
Hopefully it will be for everyone. It's not like everyone had clear legal options and they just chose to do nothing.
James *******
Jeez, there's a global pandemic with millions losing their jobs and you are concerned that people you don't know haven't got to pay 1,900 baht like you did. Shame you can't just be happy for them instead of only making it about you.
Bizkit ******
I dont see any extension of the amnesty do not hope for it as dunno whether is true or not! Go make ur stamp anyway .... Or else haha!
Flo *****
they find a good way to make people who are still in thailand after 6 months on amnesty to pays for their stay lol 😆
Kamilya ***************
Bizkit ******
As our duty so long we extend our visa and do not wait for the amnesty end or get fine and jail. Of course everyone is hoping the amnesty under the tourist visa but in other word if the cabinet decide not to extend then it will be a hassle to those who are not doing anything yet!
Kool *******
@Kamilya **************
, if you actually watched the broadcast, that story has allot of misleading information. The emergency decree has been extended until Oct. 31st. But more importantly there was absolutely no mention of the amnesty, or it being extended. There was mention of the normal Tuesday cabinet meeting,but no mention of what they will approve.
Kamilya ***************
@Kool ******
the state of emergency will also be officially extended only tomorrow
Kool *******
@Kamilya **************
, from my sources, as I wasn't able to attend the cabinet last Tuesday, it was extended then. As a journalist I do attend the cabinet meets when I can.
Kamilya ***************
Bizkit ******
@Kamilya **************
as a tourist visa for those kindly pray hard for it...and for those who had pay 1900 like me ... Just clarify for the extension and see how would the gov will add credit so on and on...haha right?
Bobby ********
Phuket immigration have announced fines will start tomorrow, so anyone sitting back and not taking steps today could be in a spot of strife

Ivan ************
As you well know they say a lot of things
. I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict overstay fines are not going to start on Tuesday. Not this Tuesday anyway.
Bobby ********
@Ivan ***********
. I'm sure you're right, there's been a lot of media hype the last weeks about fines and arrests which is possibly all BS. People should just be aware I think.
Scott **********
@Bobby *******
I surely do not see farangs on overstay facing mass arrest. Thailand does not have an army of police to arrest everyone. They do not have an army of judges to process deportations They surely do not have room in IDC for even the people they have today. I can for sure see overstay fines being racked up. It is revenue for Thai police with little to no cost to them.
Bobby ********
@Scott *********
. Exactly. It's a money-spinner for them. 500 baht a day soon racks up!
Ahkim ********
, hahaha
Bobby ********
@Ahkim *******
Ahkim ********
Paolo ***********
Typical Thailand one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing.
Ahkim ********
Haha, free extension coming. Haha, Bobby. Haha
Bobby ********
The story started from reports from two visa agents. As of this morning, immigration know nothing about it

Quentin **********
They extend the emergency decree....nothing about visa....where is the official link?
Hruby ********
Fuck I just pay 3month visa 18.000thb
Andy ********
I paid nothing hahaha
George ********
@Hruby *******
what kind of visa that you are legally entitled to costs 18,000 for 3 months?
Wantiez *******************
@George *******
special tourist visa
George ********
@Wantiez ******************
amnesty for those here has nothing to do with special tourism visas.
Ivan ************
I would guess, education, volunteer or medical extension.
Jennifer ********
@Hruby *******
yeah me too I’m super pissed
Steven *******
@Hruby *******
I paid
for the same, most companies were asking for 24-25,000 too
Niko ******
Bummer some people got it for free and others didn't. But either way it goes to this country in some way. And aren't we all happy/ grateful to be here?
Ezmerelda ********
@Niko *****
Good point. YES
Ron ******************
@Niko *****
I do not think so, I think they are going to give everyone a chance to get a new 30 day visa without having to have the embassy letter. They will give everyone untill 1st October to get it. If you do not go for the new visa you will be on overstay after 1st October. I do not think it will be a blanket amnesty, but maybe I am wrong.
Ivan ************
that would be great if they did. But it makes a bit too much sense. Better to clear out all the Covid-free tourists so they can get new ones in
Chris *****
It’s to be extended with full details tomorrow.
Karan ***************
They have not extended it
Duncan *******
They haven't yet.
Steve **********
They haven’t extended the amnesty, yet, and may not extend it.
Nic *******
If there was no amnesty would you still have to of paid for a 30 day extention ?. If so then nothing lost.
Caty *****
I think you got a let it go. The fact is if you’ve been using amnesty since the beginning think of all the free months you’ve already had. I think we can afford to pay this time. Honestly they could’ve said from the beginning you can keep staying but it’s 1900 a month and most probably would’ve done that anyway.
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