In Australia now as soon as your kid turns 12 his medical records are not available to his parents... So imagine he's at school and they say he has a learning disorder and they prescribe ritilin and he's taking it warping his mindset and the peer pressure him into unsurety about his gender and next minute at aged 14 he's on hormone replacement medication and you as a parent have no clue and you then head to the Dr's and the School and they both ring the cops on you as his medical records are none of your business.... Sounds absurd but it's taking place in Australian schools. If your kids over the age of 12.. Take him to the Dr's and pay for them and watch medicare send the medicare rebate to the kids bank account and not yours...
You'll accept it under contract and you keep the bike until they've made the last payment.. If they fault on the payments once then you keep the bike and the moneys paid... See how keen they are on the sale then