Trevor *******
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Trevor *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 12 comments.


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Trevor *******
@Andi **********
ok i’m coming there in september not looking too finish work here in australia until end of next year it’s not as easy as i thought it would be too stay in thailand might need a agent too do the work
Trevor *******
@Andi **********
is it easier too get do you have too have money in thai bank and use thai health insurance
Trevor *******
@Brandon ***********
maybe that’s the one i always was going too spend 3 months in australia each year
Trevor *******
@Brandon ***********
okay mate thanks i going back in september for 4 weeks maybe talk too a visa person
Trevor *******
@Brandon ***********
okay i have been there many times for holiday but want to move there in 12 months reading lot of comments it gets confusing with this visa do you need too leave money in a thai bank account