Greg *******
This is a summary of
Greg *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 17 comments.



Greg ********
@Michael ******
The problem is you have to prove it. So default will be to tax. Then you have to hire a tax accountant to complete paperwork and demonstrate. I wish they would just tax everyone a flat fee and avoid the hassle of a witch hunt for taxes.
Greg ********
@Marty ********
I am a pensioner with no pension … just savings.
Greg ********
@Marty ********
so this means if I bring in money from savings to buy a condo they will tax me on this money?
Greg ********
@Marty ********
wait a minute. The tax situation is not yet implemented. It is likely they will not implement tax reporting and instead charge everyone a 200 dollar flat tax fee. Why? Because the implementation of a tax witch-hunt against everyone only creates useless annoyance jobs for tax admins.
Greg ********
Govt should say only those who make over $500k US per year must report. Everyone else no hassle and no reporting. Otherwise this is a huge hassle for most people and simply a make work project for the accounting industry.

If they need retirees to contribute to tax base just make it a flat fee of 300 us per year and no hassle and no witch hunt.
Greg ********
@Andy ***********
if the dtv applicants become digital economy experts, what difference is their age? Unless it is the age discrimination visa.

If the nomads work at foreign employment it really does not help the local economy any more than a retiree would.
Greg ********
@Bauke **********
6 months visa used to cost 75 bucks so a 5 year visa at 10 times that amount seems about right to attract enough people to compete for tourist dollars of the generous visas now for Vietnam Indonesia, Malaysia Cambodia and Philly
Greg ********
@Todd ********
Maybe for someone on medical who can not travel and needs an extension without having to leave?