Fernando *******
This is a summary of
Fernando *******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 5 questions and added 17 comments.



Fernando ********
@Tod ********
thanks, however I think theres a BIG dfference if I were to gain my WP here now in Thailand (while Im still on the Elite visa); OR if I were to exit and re enter Thailand on a non-o or non-b that allows for a WP?

The difference being that on the first case my TEV would get cancelled, whilst on the second case would bd suspended and therefore possible to re enter Thailand in the future on my TEV till its expiry date.
Fernando ********
@Robert ******
and they add that I have to re enter the kingdom every time I wish to switch.

Its there stated, but can we really have two Thai visas at the same time (even if one of them is not active? If this is correct this is news to me, and it would be good as I have some short contracts (few weeks each) to do in Thailand, which atm Im not doing because I have a TEV and I thought that I would have to cancel it to get another visa that allows for a WP.
Fernando ********
@Lloyd *******
actually that was their reply once I asked them to confirm their first reply (picture below) in which they state that it can be done with two or just one passports.

I know that thay have already stated it, however, the information I have from others is that you cannot have two Thai visas at the same time (even though only one of them is active). As I said I would need to go to Immigration to confirm, but maybe someone here on this situation and can cpnfirm I would appreciate it.
Fernando ********
Thanks for sharing.

Do you really have to make movements every year?

It is my undertanding that as long as you have 2k thb in it you are good. I have an account there years ago, but no card. Believe its still there 😬
Fernando ********
We do. Thailand Pass is purely to enter Thailand. Wether if we have a visa or not, or what particular visa, is a different matter.
Fernando ********
Like its been already said, if you left a minimum of 2000 thb on each account, they are still active.
Fernando ********
@Jim *******
ok, true. But then again Im the sort of guy that first tries to build the ikea furniture and only if I get stuck I read the instructions 🤣👍🏻
Fernando ********
That got me two. Cant really see the logic of the two step upload.
Fernando ********
@Tod ********
thanks thats what I thought however I find contradictory info online and wonder if its doable in Patong office or not. Was going to try just give them a call but its Sunday so looking for some leads here.