Mike ********
This is a summary of
Mike ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 9 comments.



Mike *********
If you go to Thailand, then to another country and back again to Thailand before your return to your home country remember that’s a “multiple entry” into Thailand.
Mike *********
You can apply on line for a new Irish passport (standard or larger book size available). Must be mailed to an Irish address. But you could have it forwarded to you I just did it. Zero hassle for the record! Took 1 week to receive it. You don’t need to surrender your existing passport if it’s within last 12 months of its expiry date.
Mike *********
@Thomas *******************
Practically, one can only extend twice since (to my knowledge ) a METV has a 6 month validity period. The visa usage period will have expired. Example: leave Thailand after 60+30 days (=3 months). Return again the next day and do another 60+~ 29 days). In the last days of the 6 months usage period remaining on the visa one could leave again and re-enter the next day for a final 60+30 days giving a total cumulative period in Thailand of almost 9 months. I think the 3rd trip might be a bit stressful 😄

Also I assume a valid reason is necessary for the Immigration Office to grant an extension..or is it automatically entitled?
Mike *********
@Antonella ***********
ok.. more clear to me now I have reread your original post. You do need a hotel booking confirmation …even the original one to prove you stayed in the Test & Go scheme. Puzzled how you received your Thailand Pass without a firm / confirmed ASQ hotel booking.
Mike *********
you are referring to visa (immigration) matters and Covid (health) matters at same time. The hotel has given your Covid negative (health) result/certificate. But this has nothing to do with immigration matters. You have not stayed in an ASQ hotel your entire period in Thailand. If you are looking for proof of residence for those days in that hotel that’s a different / unrelated matter. I think you may be referring to the TM30 form? You can ask a hotel to sign that. You may need do spoon feed them! They also have a register of all foreign guests for a given day or days. They may give you a stamped copy of that as well.
Mike *********
@Tod ********
worth a mention there were 61 people in the queue ahead of me when I got my ticket number. So quite an efficient service
Mike *********
@Tod ********
Hi Tod, I was there at 2pm well before the 3.30pm cut off. Made sure I was inside the waiting area at 3.25pm. Could not attend in the morning

due to other business.

I did not make an appointment as per the advise of this forum. It wasn’t needed. Probably won’t use the extra days.. it was a precaution whilst I await a business visa into Australia (that process being well underway). I will be back to Thailand again after a few weeks in Australia for another 40-60 days.

PS: no TM30 form from the hotel needed.
Mike *********
@Gerald *******
for clarity…I think you must mean the Thai government website.. not the UK
Mike *********
You must arrive at Thai immigration any time up to Feb 18. The clock starts ticking on your 60 days from your date of arrival. So if you arrive eg Jan 7, that brings you to ca. Mar 7. Before that date seek your 30 day extension at the immigration office to bring you to eg April 7. If you still need more time then the “married” route maybe best and the effectively the same physical process of going to the immigration office (but with some more documents).

Only other way that comes to mind would be to exit the country and re enter on a visa exempt stamp if you are from a participating country of the exempt list. But Covid rules can make this last one risky. Best to get the extension without leaving the country. Good luck.