Sabine ********
This is a summary of
Sabine ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 28 comments.



Sabine *********
@Durrant *******
I totally agree with
@Karim **************
! If you're so scared of that 'pandemic', then go ahead, lock yourself up inside and stay away from people! I'm also tired of old people telling me I'm allowed to do nothing else but work, so old people can enjoy their retirement longer at my expense!
Sabine *********
Maybe for others to know and/or confirm??
Sabine *********
@Tim ******
I wish that was right:-( The graph you refer to (how many doses have been give per country) does not take the number of people living there into account. E.g., it does not sound much if a country got, say, 1 million doses. But if that country only has 1 million people living there, that means that 100 % got at least one jab or 50 % got both. Unfortunately, we only got dickheads ruling us in Germany who got nothing else on their minds than their own wallets... Second place in vaccinations in Europe is Serbia, which you'll see on the map (scroll down a bit) for which Shaun posted a link....
Sabine *********
@Shaun *******
The UK has about 40% vaccination rate. Serbia, being second in that rating, is at about 29%. All other countries are further below, and most often MUCH further below that rate! But I'm sure you know better...
Sabine *********
@Jamie *****
I'm an atheist, so I'd never consider the concept of having an imaginary friend as something that would help me in a crisis. I prefer few and real friends.
Sabine *********
@Andrew *******
Then there would be much less trouble in this world! You can have a girlfriend, have kids, live together, etc., without marriage! You don't need to buy the cow to get a pint of milk...
Sabine *********
So right. I'm just feeling sorry for all these guys who think that the lady they're dating is crazy in love with them. I have two Thai friends, female, here in northern Germany. Both are well educated, but still say they'd marry anyone who's willing to take care of them and their family, pay for their visa, and so on. One of them will soon marry a guy who would never get a woman under normal circumstances. But he thinks it's big love... I really don't know what's wrong with guys. They seem to think no matter how ugly or poor they are, one day the proverbial 'supermodel' (usually from a poor part of the world) will knock on their door, begging them to marry them... Please, guys, do take a look in the mirrow and consider that there's girls out there who'll do anything for a visa....
Sabine *********
Have you ever even been to Thailand??? You're worrying about so many possible problems, but are ready to marry the biggest problem...
Sabine *********
@Paul ******
And the water buffalo of uncle XY tends to cause real big vet bills after Songkran....