Sabine ********
This is a summary of
Sabine ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 28 comments.



Sabine *********
And a poor white guy is still much wealthier than most Thai...
Sabine *********
I sure wish you luck. You'll need all the luck you can get!
Sabine *********
Me no study, me no care, me go marry a millionaire. And if he die, me no cry, me go marry another guy:-) Please remember that you don't have to marry. Girlfriend works, too. You asked what you'll later wish you had done while there... File for divorce, or, even better, not get married!
Sabine *********
Since Airbnb for 30+ days is legal, wouldn't that booking confirmation count as well?
Sabine *********
Some airlines allow them as hand luggage on board.
Sabine *********
All sorts of animals fly around the globe, all the time. When I was just out of school and didn't have the money for plane tickets, I worked as a groom for a German horse shipping company. The quarantine stations of airports are full of pets and other animals traveling. I don't know where in the US you are, but if your airline can't help, try Jet Pets in L.A. They ship everything, from horses, to ostriches to whales and dolphins. No kidding:-)
Sabine *********
'Me no study, me no care, me go marry a millionair. And if he die, me no cry, me go marry another guy...' How can guys be so stupid and fall for that???