this guy Is just a crazy wierdo ,..... somebody asks about giving birth , he tells him 99% are done by C. section then he talks about Covid jab and mask , he believes the earth is flat , he thinks he is better than Wikipedia , because he's been maried to a bar "girl ?" he found in Pataya . really wonder what he does on this page , giving fake news to people who just need infos . a real jerk as you say ,
I wonder if he is not writing from his Troll farm in Hungaria , just write any stupidity ,as long as he writes something
yeah and why don't you admit that you believe that Planet earth is flat , and your grand grand grand parents were born 6000 years ago they were white , and their names were Adam and Eve ..
also the last time you checked your IQ . it was flat stable at ZERO .
frederik lartigues ,ne tient aucun compte des comments d'un mec qui plus loin te donne des chiffres concernant l'accouchement . ce mec est un troll qui ne peut s'empècher de parler de sujets qu'il ignore .
c'est un gros mytho qui prétend savoir tout sur tout ,mais dont la place serait plutôt en H.P.
Beware of the Troll who gives you completely fake infos just to see his name in the comments .
you wife can give birth in Thailand either : natural birth , or C section , it will depend only on her health conditions and her freewill . no doctor will force you a way or an other without explaining the reasons . you'll leave the hospital with a booklet and a CD , with diagnosis , and very detailed description of every act
are you not aware that this troll pretend to know everything about nothing , many women in my surroundings have been giving birth in the recent .years , either in public or private hospitals , none of them had a C section because they didn't need it . but I'm sure if one of them needed a C section for whatevet reason , no doubt they would have it .
Though it's welknown that in some "hospitals", own by crooks, probably the ones where this troll goes , like to give birth doing C section witout medical or health reasons because they can charge it to you , so it's only business reasons .
luckily any intelligent person who reads 99% , understand it's either a joke , or a fakenew created by dementia and lack of cognitive capacities .
en matière de visa , si on ne nomme pas les choses pas leur vrai nom , on perd son temps et on perd ble temps des autres on obtien que des fausses infos .