All depends on individual circumstances. I'm in and out of the country continuously and I don't mean stepping over a line to step back again. I'm talking about proper international travel. The DTV kills every other stone dead for me.
Not sad and not miserable. Can easily get LTR. It's only $80k passive income. But why bother when the DTV has it trumped? I'm in and out of the country continuously. I haven't done a 90-dayer since covid. If you think paying 50,000 just to avoid doing 90 day reports that's all well and good. To each their own
Nope. That's your job. You've made a dozen posts on the same topic and still haven't got the answer you're looking, and you're that inept you don't have a capability to write to the tax office. Too busy playing games on your computer pretending you're "working" 😂
Why don't you shut up little man? Such a whizz but can't do simple internet research into tax residency and asks for advice from a Facebook group. 😂
Statistics on home ownership? What for? I own eight across the world netting me around AUD$400,000 per annum. They're the only statistics I'm interested in! 😂😂😂