Jamie ***********
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Jamie ***********
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Jamie ***********
I know alot of European's get theirs signed at the local Police Station. Signed and Stamped by the duty officer or report clerk
Jamie ***********
Welcome to Thailand 😂😂 where each officer has their own set of rules and regulations. But yes very frustrating
Jamie ***********
Perhaps you should drop them a message with what you need. You'll find they have many ways of fixing issues 😂
@ ************************
Jamie ***********
I'm using them for an application at the moment but still waiting for it to be approved... From what they say anyway
Jamie ***********
If not, Embassy Legal do business visas.
Jamie ***********
Tik Tok Services may be able to do ED. I know she does tourist visas.

Jamie ***********
One you're here. Tik Tok maybe able to help you if you don't want the hassle - I use them for my stuff...

Jamie ***********
Would probably need to look at what your declared salary is first amongst other things.