Gary ************
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Gary ************
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Gary ************
no it gets added I did already, you don’t lose any days
Gary ************
@Jim *******
beaches in Samet Rayong are stunning
Gary ************
I’m speechless at the news every day!
Gary ************
Well as UK are just starting quarantines as well and making it illegal to go anywhere and already saying no travel abroad for the whole summer it’s only time before everywhere is the same and no tourism anywhere at all.. worlds fked
Gary ************
When you’re right you’re right!
Gary ************
i understand how much u love the cat but I don’t think it’s best interest is going to Thailand..
Gary ************
Why would you put a poor cat through a journey like that to then be in horrendously hot and humid conditions for however long you are there probably for you to end up leaving it there for ever..
Gary ************
wherever there’s shit.. 😂😂