Dror ********
This is a summary of
Dror ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 79 comments.



Dror *********
@Tod ********
why are you always coming down on people with your comments? if people want to do an agent pretend visa thats their choice. stop with the copy paste of "an immigration office you cant even say it's name thingy"
Dror *********
@Stuart ********
he thought he can make TR visa inside thailand which isn't true
Dror *********
@Bruce ****
edit your post and write that the hotel are in cahoots with the mafia and will kill you before quarantine ends. stay at home, good riddance.
Dror *********
@Bruce ****
or stop with the catatonic fear mongering and stupid theoretical conpiracies ffs
Dror *********
@Tod ********
wrong volunteer visa is 50-60k total not 90k according to what you say