Arnoud ********
This is a summary of
Arnoud ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 1 questions and added 17 comments.



Arnoud *********
@Brian *******
that actually makes sense, he prints it out directly and probably downloads end of day. Thanks!
Arnoud *********
Never understood this. It’s true. Why don’t they just send it a day later 🤦‍♂️
Arnoud *********
Don’t know about Grand Andaman but the border is open. Passed it yesterday.
Arnoud *********
@Ellie ******
thanks, was wondering too as I also received this yesterday. Was also a bit surprised they write the date by hand now.
Arnoud *********
@David ******
small companies can apply and be BOI. But yes definitely good to read the guidelines!
Arnoud *********
@Marvin ********
Your duty is to pay the bill; the custom is to show the slip. They don’t have the ‘right’ to demand the slip as such but it makes things a lot easier for them. Because apparently in the banking system here the receiver has to jump through all kinds of hoops to distinguish payments. Then they can’t find it perhaps, ask you for evidence that you paid, and then.. you show the slip! So it’s just easier to show when they request it in the first place.
Arnoud *********
Had a fight with my first landlord about this as I thought it was nonsense too. But yes it’s how it works here. Apparently they don’t see it, can’t see it, or cannot make sense of incoming transfers. So the slip rules, the slip is the confirmation 🤷🏻‍♂️
Arnoud *********
If it comes to this message, the harassment must be pretty bad and you could consider reporting said group member to the police instead. Because online harassment is actually a real thing, and many countries now have laws addressing it. Threatening to send police to your house over removing a comment in a private community group of a private, commercial, non-Thai platform is just laughable and I would gladly entertain the police with a cup of tea if they’d come by.
Arnoud *********
Fair enough, but then what’s ‘5g’ in your terms? The 5G standard of mobile phone networks? Or 5GHz (the frequency, as opposed to 2.4 GHz) WiFi? If it’s the latter, the question of OP was how you connect to the internet, not which Wifi frequency you use. If it’s the former, you’re comparing apples (5G; a telephony standard) with oranges (2.4GHz; a wifi standard/frequency).