What are the requirements for filing TM.30 and 90-day report if my Thai spouse is not present?

April 27, 2021
3 years ago
Arnoud *********
Report today’s filing of new TM.30 plus 90-day report at the same time at MTT.

(Thai) wife and I bought a house recently and we just moved in; she’s in the blue book. My 90-day also happened to be now (6-7 days late).

I went yesterday (alone), was told I needed a Power of Attorney form signed by blue book owner (wife) to be able to self-file without her present, with two funny postage stamps attached. So was sent back. Went again this morning (alone) with said (and signed) PoA. Then everything was ok and very smooth. I could get simultaneous queue numbers for Counter B (TM.30), which obviously needed to be done first, and Counter A (90-day report).

Arrived around 8:15. Out in a bit over an hour.
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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user successfully filed a TM.30 and 90-day report at the immigration office after providing a Power of Attorney from their Thai spouse, necessary for self-filing in her absence. They experienced some delays due to paperwork requirements, specifically needing to attach two postage stamps. The process was completed smoothly after addressing the Power of Attorney issue.
Canice ******
Request for a yellow book from district office
Frédéric ******************
You should have asked for a yellow book with your name when your wife got the blue one, so you won't need a power of attorney. It's not too late to request one.
Arnoud *********
@Frédéric ****************
I had indeed been thinking about that too, but I believe it needs more documents from me?
กะลาสี *****
Probably my biggest complaint about Thai immigration (besides everything still being done on paper in triplicate) is the lack of continuity between the different immigration offices. Imagine how many man hours and expense could be saved if the national government posted everything required for every situation online and immigration offices were NOT permitted to deviate or add to the requirements.
Frédéric ******************
Frédéric ******************
@กะลาสี ****
Everything is online on their website

กะลาสี *****
@Frédéric ****************
yes, in theory this is true but be a member of this group for very long and you will quickly learn that immigration offices in the different provinces operate differently. There is little in the way of continuity among the various offices. One example that comes to mind is that some offices will allow you to renew your extension of stay up to 30 days prior to expiration, while others will permit you to renew it 45 days early. There are also many other inconsistencies, especially involving requirements for the non-o married to a Thai national requirements.
Stuart *********
Ahhh the old one Baht tax stamps....And Thailand wants to promote itself in the digital age. Some day the rules may change. I won’t hold my breath.
Arnoud *********
@Stuart ********
I think I paid 14 or 16 baht for the two of them though, so there’s been some inflation! 🙂
Stuart *********
@Arnoud ********
or a nice mark up for the seller 😀
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