Wade ***
This is a summary of
Wade ***
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 7 questions and added 55 comments.



Wade ****
If we came in on Non-O Multi and it expired last year, would one be able to get a 1 year extension if somehow magically came into the 400k required to extend? or is there any options to staying longer? Different visa that could be obtained within the country?

This has me a little worried and need to figure out my options to stay with family since land borders closed.
Wade ****
Hopefully things get adjusted. My non-o multi expired last year so im in the same situation.
Wade ****
post from yesterday. Not phuket but i know all offices are different. This is just what I was used to with my past 2 extensions with 14 days.
Wade ****
strange to see others post under consideration with early Feb dates though if thats the case.
Wade ****
@Dan ***********
If thats the case it would be nice to go again so quickly. With my luck im sure they will tell me, oh its not ready yet come back in 11 more days because they know how much we enjoy going there. 555