Kiwi here but applied in Australia because we were there at the time and it was cheaper. I showed a screenshot of my non Kiwisaver investment fund, just the balance, not even a list of transactions. I had no issues.
hi, I've written up a report here, I used the same screenshot from my application showing our combined funds for all four applicants. Note the total was for more than the 500k * 4 people = 2,000,000 thb.
Re point 3, I wrote a document in the third person with screenshots of my company registration, business website and overview of how I make money e.g. "...meaning the business and work required is completely remote and run by Emma as she travels the world as a digital nomad."
Update - my DTV was approved yesterday (9 business days after they had requested further information) so I am applying for my husband and kids today. Will update once they are approved.