Matti ********
This is a summary of
Matti ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 2 questions and added 21 comments.



Matti *********
I have the same situation and was about to ask the same thing. So new TM30 and next 90 day report in person with copy of the TM30 filing at hand.

Great group, thanks 🙏
Matti *********
Any timelines for online reporting? I.e needs to be done xx days before the reporting deadline/date?
Matti *********
Did the 90 day report today at MTT. Had online booking for 9:20. Went in 9:05 and was done at 9:10.

MTT actually much more convenient with car as plenty of parking around the building.
Matti *********
Got re-entry permit today at Chaengwattana. Very fast process as no one really applying now. Cost 3,800 for multiple RE Permit.
Matti *********
Actually you should be able to get re-entry permit on any stamp allowing you to stay in Thailand. Even 30 day visa exempt stamp.

I got one few years back when applying one year extension of stay while I was on "under consideration for 30 days".

Applied my extension based on marriage and while waiting the stamp did a trip overseas with re-entry permit and then went to get the extension stamp.

I vaguely remember getting re-entry permit years back when one year non-O multi entry to keep the last 90 days stay stamp after visa expiry alive with few days trip overseas for work.
Matti *********
I did ask the info counter but the lady was not able to explain it. Gave me a map to the MTT office and the 90 day report form...
Matti *********
Oh dear, so they dont consider the TM7 application on 6 August as address report. Another long drive thru the city next week...
Matti *********
I applied my one year extension on 6 August so 90 days from that application date?

Or is this 90 days separate system and not synced with the application meaning I need to report next week at MTT office?