Usually if they give a woolly excuse, they're not being honest, but I know for UK applications they like to see the Thai national has a reason to come home, ie, a good job or a property. But a big age gap will also make them look twice
ok i get you now, you mean to take back out of the country 🤦, why would you want to, the idea is to stay and spend the money.
But i sold a property for 10m back in 2013 and transferred it back yo uk, my wife had to sign a document to say it was funds for her kids education/living costs in uk, I was limited to something like $20,000 per month, so yes it took a long time to get it all back to uk
is that right? By opening an account and transferring the 800k, will immigration then allow you to jump from tourist to NON-O without leaving Thailand, asking cos I just never knew that was possible 🤔
Its not cheap, and far from guaranteed, and application fee is lost if refused, my gf was refused in 2004, 2005 and finally on 3rd attempt, having put a property in her name and stuck a wod of cash in her bank account they let her come in 2008, and its only got harder and more expensive since. The good news is, once you're successful, each year after is plane sailing, as long as she didn't over stay i guess
You wanna try it back 25yrs ago with a 1yr old daughter in toe, and if you want internet access it was find a cafe 1bt/1mb, and more often a dial up connection, newbies have no clue what was like back then 🤦
Can you go from tourist visa to retirement or DTV whilst in the country. You may well have already fuked up, may need to go to nearest consulate outside of Thailand. Vientiene is good and a very worthwhile trip, you can fly to Udon get bus to border. You would need to stay in Vientiene for a night or 2, longer if on a weekend. But a very enjoyable experience.
yeah i been studying it now i know, yeah the extension is what i always had back in the day when i had a marriage visa. It all makes perfect sense now. Thank you!