Faye ********
This is a summary of
Faye ********
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 0 questions and added 5 comments.


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Faye ********
If you're looking for answers, there's this popular Facebook group with 10,000+ members you might find helpful. It's run by
@Michael *********
, CPA who specializes in expat taxes. He does free live Q&A sessions where you can ask him directly about your situation. The group is called US Expat Tax Lounge™ with Mike Mertz, CPA.
Faye ********
For your taxes. Try to join this group. They offer a FREE live QandA. Michael A Mertz. is a CPA, EY/PWC Alumni, and a 25+ year Expat with expertise in handling tax issues specific to US files. Reserve a spot in the US Expat Tax Lounge™ with Mike Mertz, CPA.
Faye ********
If you're still looking for answers, there's this popular Facebook group with 10,000+ members you might find helpful. It's run by a CPA named
@Michael *********
who specializes in expat taxes. He does free live Q&A sessions where you can ask him directly about your situation. The group is called US Expat Tax Lounge™ with Mike Mertz, CPA.
Faye ********
For your taxes. Try to join this group. They offer a free live Q&A (All About Expat Taxes). Michael A. Mertz is a CPA, EY/PWC Alumni, and a 25+ year Expat with expertise in handling tax issues specific to US files. Reserve a spot in the US Expat Tax Lounge™ with Mike Mertz, CPA.
Faye ********
It will be helpful joining this group. They have a free live Q&A every week all about expat taxes. "US Expat Tax Lounge™ with Mike Mertz, CPA". Hosted by an Expat Tax Expert
@Michael *********
is a CPA.