Sid ***
This is a summary of
Sid ***
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 15 comments.



Sid ****
@Karen **********
I’m sure you could find someone who would do this for you. All the best. Feel better.
Sid ****
I don’t know if this is allowed, but can someone else do the check in for you?
Sid ****
Cambodia and Laos are also closing their borders soon
Sid ****
@Tod ********
tangent question: do you have to buy a re-entry permit for the final border bounce to get the “second year” stamp? TY
Sid ****
Ugh! Happened to me and my husband too. We have an O visa and we were stamped with a 30 day visa instead of 1 year. When we went for the 90 day check in, we were over the 30 day stamp. Got it sorted. But a headache.