Brian ******
This is a summary of
Brian ******
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 12 questions and added 49 comments.



Brian *******
@Tod ********
worry is there might be travel restrictions soon, I am in Khon Buri near Korat....
Brian *******
@Tod ********
thats were I went , got an email last week saying 6 - 8 weeks more
Brian *******
@Tod ********
yes, already done the family extension so the covid 60 day would be the way to go
Brian *******
@Tod ********
Yep, was told by UK passport it would be 3 - 4 weeks from application so went 16th March which is 17 weeks from passport expiry or 9 weeks from Extension end clearly that was not correct
Brian *******
@Gregor *********
got my visa in Korat, guess the application was 16th May 2020 with 30 days consideration? The stamp is dated 16th June but the initial application date is the start point. I do not leave the country every 90 days. Only do 90 day reporting. Stamp says Non-O
Brian *******
I got a under consideration stamp last year
Brian *******
@Robert ******
as its the first one I was told I had to go in person.... then can start online after that, maybe they have to regester you for online at imm?
Brian *******
nearest neighbor is about 1km away and she will be out with her cows when he comes...can just see wifey chasing her down in some old rice field