Michael *****
This is a summary of
Michael *****
's contributions to the platform. They have posed 4 questions and added 40 comments.



Michael ******
I got married 2 days ago at the Phayathai district office. They did NOT require the translated and stamped passport copy. We asked 2 times beforehand, but they said that the paper from my embassy already includes all that information, so they don't see the need for it. We were not in a rush though and live very close to that office, so just popped in a couple of times to make sure we have all the papers etc. they want.
Michael ******
This! I'm Austrian, so when I gave the documents to the translator we sat down and worked out the Thai transliterations of some names and locations together. I learned my lesson when doing my work permit, where my first name became ไมเคิล, which is nothing at all like how you pronounce it in German (which would be มีชาเอล) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Michael ******
Nobody offered me anything faster than 3 days, but I wasn’t exactly in a rush. I’d still advise to also get in touch with the relevant district office re other paper work, we asked two and they had different requirements.
Michael ******
I know, that's the part that took me 3 days mentioned in the beginning of my post. The rest was just commenting on other things the article mentioned that were slightly different for us.
Michael ******
Getting the legalized documents took me 3 days. I did it through the translation office, since I couldn't be bothered to go to Chaeng Wattana. They charged 1900 Baht for translation + getting the documents legalized.

As for the translated passport, the Bang Rak District Office asked for it, Phayathai did not. They also didn't want to see her Tabien Baan, but asked for my work permit (I hadn't brought it, so we all agreed on mai bpen rai and just continued). There also was a small "interview", where the officer asked us some questions about our relationship before signing the marriage certificate, which we conducted in Thai (it wasn't very complicated, just how long have you been together, how did you meet, do you live together, did you meet her family, has she been to your home country, that sort of stuff). Not sure how that works if you can't speak basic Thai, but I think they mentioned the witness (but not the spouse) can translate for you if necessary.

Best to check all the details with the district office where you plan on getting married, rules and reality have a tendency of not matching up :)
Michael ******
We couldn’t get a WP for one of our guys who had a Non-O based on being married to a foreigner. Cancelled the old extension, went to Lao to get Non-B, then business as usual.
Michael ******
Technically speaking you can't apply for the 2 year WP and visa extension. Once the person has the required status ("expert" or "executive") it's automatic. Anyway, as Joey so wisely said in Friends, "It's a moo point. It's like a cow's opinion, nobody cares" ;)
Michael ******
In all fairness, both section 25 and 26 are pretty vague and don't specifically mention any ratio changes, that's why I posted the above paragraph in Thai from the Revenue Department and even that only mentions a proposal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In the end it doesn't really matter as long as people are granted their Non-Bs/WPs.
Michael ******
@JD ******
Since you wanted something from a government website, here's part of the Thai Revenue Department's BOI Q&A. I trust that as a self-certified expert on all things legal here you are comfortable reading the following paragraph: "ตามหลกั เกณฑ์การพิจารณาของกระทรวงแรงงาน จะกาํ หนดอตั ราส่วนการจ้างงาน แรงงานไทยต่อคนต่างดา้วไวท้่ี4/1หมายความว่าบริษทัจะตอ้งจา้งงานคนไทย4คนต่อการ นาํเขา้แรงงานต่างดา้ว1คนหากเป็นการพิจารณาของตม.จะดูเกณฑท์ ุนจดทะเบียนต่อแรงงาน ต่างด้าว 2/1 คือ ทุนจดทะเบียนทุกๆ 2 ล้านบาทแลกกับการนําเข้าแรงงานต่างด้าว 1 คน สาํ หรับบริษทั ท่ีไดร้ ับการส่งเสริมภายใต้BOI จะไดร้ ับการยกเวน้ ไม่ตอ้ งปฏิบตั ิตามหลกั เกณฑ์ การพิจารณาขา้ งตน้น."
หมายความว่าบริษทัจะตอ้งจา้งงานคนไทย4คนต่อการ นาํเขา้แรงงานต่างดา้ว1คนหากเป็นการพิจารณาของตม.จะดูเกณฑท์ ุนจดทะเบียนต่อแรงงาน ต่างด้าว
คือ ทุนจดทะเบียนทุกๆ 2 ล้านบาทแลกกับการนําเข้าแรงงานต่างด้าว 1 คน สาํ หรับบริษทั ท่ีไดร้ ับการส่งเสริมภายใต้BOI จะไดร้ ับการยกเวน้ ไม่ตอ้ งปฏิบตั ิตามหลกั เกณฑ์ การพิจารณาขา้ งตน้น." http://download.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/ROH/Q&A_BOI.pdf
Michael ******
You clown. I have both a Non-B Visa and a 2 year WP and visa extension. Since you always need proof: "for executive position or experts, a work permit will be issued for 2 years", section 2.3,