This is a report back on my previous query of "if the newest 60-day covid extension also apply for PE visa holders?" on Jan 18 under Somchai man's post.
Note that my PE visa (Easy Access) has expired and I am currently on my 6th (last) year, which also due to expire soon. Original plan (one of my options) was to get a Non-O and extend based on retirement, then came Covid.
Went to CW today to ask if I could cancel my PE visa (remaining days since stamp-in) and get the 60 day covid extension, and whether I can then apply for (convert to) Non O under covid extension. IO told me they have never cancelled a PE visa before, and that I will not be able to apply for (convert to) Non-O within the country under covid extension.
There has been small hiccup on the expiry of my PE visa and the one year stamp-in after the visa expiry, IO went around to ask other IO, and eventually all is good. I applied for extension of stay based on covid and get an "under consideration stamp" and asked to return on a date (happens to be the same date as my permit-to-stay-till stamp). Wonder what would happen if the application for extension is denied? Got to leave right away?