James **********
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James **********
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James **********
Nobody ever so much as looked at me at the consulate or border crossing at NK a couple weeks ago. I was not doing the same visa as you and had 20k for show if asked, but nobody said a word. I lurked about near the windows and didn't see anyone else from any nation or visa type asked.
James **********
Every other way to do it is much more difficult. So yes, that is the answer. There is no easy way to stay 4 months straight each year.
James **********
The processing on both ends goes much faster now, at least on non-Mondays. If you're flying directly in and out of Vientiane, it's easier. You just have to have enough time to get back to the airport after your afternoon pickup. Keeping in mind you will have to get stamped out of Laos there as well, so budget that time too.

They do pickups in batches of 20, so if you got in line earlier and have a lower number from the drop off day before, you could get out of there faster. I dropped off on wed and only arrived 15-20 minutes before they opened for processing. I was #59, and it took maybe 20 minutes until I got done with dropping off.

Pick up took about 15 minutes of waiting total, with about 15 seconds up at the window.
James **********
I always stay at
@Moonlight *******
, like I did last week. It's low season, so easy to a room anywhere now.
James **********
Maybe that's why schools up here have an easier time with the ED? Good working relationship with the consulate close by? (I'm sure the MOE paperwork was generic, but the school's cover letters and visa applications were all typed up and prepared in advance.)
James **********
Perhaps in most cases. In my case, it was exactly as I said above: typed out addressing the Consulate in Vientianne. I argued with them about it because I'd been planning to go to Penang.
James **********
When they generate the paperwork, it is filled out specific to the embassy applying. At least that is what my school did a few years ago.